Eat more Meat and Fish.
If you are a larger person, eat at least 1/2 pound to a pound of meat/fish a day.
If you are smaller person, eat 1/4 pound to 1/2 pound of meat/fish a day.
You can eat both fatty or lean meat/fish.
Eat bacon and eggs for breakfast. Eat any fish, any meat, sausages, prosciutto,
Eat more Cheese and Eggs.
Eat as much cheese and eggs as you want.
Eat Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Rice, Beans.
Also Yuca, Taro, fried Green Plantains.
Seed Oils/Vegetable Oils - Avoid as much as possible.
Use lard, beef tallow, butter, olive oil for all the frying at home. Your food will
actually taste better, so it is an easy transition.
Eat as little prepackaged ready-to-eat carbs as possible. Most of it will be grains or corn
mixed with seed oils - the worst-of-the worst.
Almost all fried food at restaurants will be fried in seed oil; so limit fried food
from restaurants as much as possible.
Avoid all the following as much as you can.
You are not addicted to any of the following. There is no reason to eat anything on the list.
Many people already intuitively dislike much of the following.
- Soy and all soy derivatives such as Tofu
- Tomatoes and all red sauce
- Peppers
- Eggplant
- Spinach
- Rhubarb
- Beets
- Okra
- Buckwheat
- Turnips
You do not need to avoid the above with an occasional restaurant meal. But avoid them when it
comes to everyday food.
Vegetables/Plants to eat more of.
Eat as much as you want of the following. It is a perfect compliment to any animal protein +
- Avocado
- Arugula
- Asparagus
- Bok choy
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Garlic
- Lettuce
- Mustard greens
- Mushrooms
- Olives
- Olive Oil - use more in your salads
- Onions
- Green peas
- Radishes
Wheat / Flour / Bread / Pasta - special case.
Many people are very addicted to wheat and flour.
If you are among the people who can easily give up eating bread, pasta, etc..., then just
don't eat them. Avoiding flour is one of the best things you can do.
If you are addicted to flour, then try to eat higher quality French, Italian, Sourdough bread
instead of any other bread. Eat regular pasta instead of whole wheat pasta.
Try to eat less flour in general; eat bread, pasta, etc... only to the extent you are
craving it.
Dark Chocolate - eat instead of any other sweet alternatives.
Try to eat dark chocolate instead of any other sweet food, to the extent you can.
Try to eat twice a day on most days.
Eat enough animal protein and calories in general with each meal so you will not be hungry
for a while.
Once you eat enough animal protein, eating twice a day becomes fairly easy for most people.
Lower your carbs to preferably under 150 grams of carbs a day.
Once you eat enough animal protein, eating under 300 grams of carbs a day becomes fairly easy
for most people.
But try to bring carbs down to at least under 200 grams of carbs a day. Under 150 grams
of carbs a day would be even better, and under 100 grams of carbs a day would be ideal.
Do not focus too much on carbs in the beginning. Make the other changes above first.